Saturday, December 29, 2012

Sicky sick sick sick

Yep. ALL of us. Sick. Brody was the night of the 20, Avery 25, Justin 26, Kristin 27. Here's my question.....Why do you always get sick over night? Why can't you throw up all day and sleep all night? All of us....all night...I was up for all of them. Ugh. We need Maui!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Boo Boo Bunny

So, I am posting this on both blogs. I am doing it on here because this is personal. My mom made these for us as kids. I make them for my kids. I am doing it on pintereviews too because I looked and there are pins on how to make boo boo bunnies, so even though I didn't find it there, you can!
I could write out a whole tutorial on how to make them, but there is already an article on it, so I am using that.

These were my spur of the moment no prep time bunnies. Wrestling accidents happen. I just used a rubber band and drew on them with a sharpie. Googly eye ones are cuter, but they all work!


Poor bubba man has been so sick! He started throwing up around 5:00 last night. At 5:00 this morning I thought we were done. We both got about 2 hours of sleep. Daddy let me go back to bed for another hour or so, and then Brody woke me up by throwing up on the side of my bed. Guess we're not done.
Even in the midst of being so sick and puny Brody is such a funny kid. He was so mad at me that I wouldn't let him drink water. I mean, literally, the second the water hit his stomach it would be back out. We changed the floor pallet 3 times, each changed our clothes 3 times, carpet cleaned twice so far, and am on my 3rd load of laundry. I probably have 6 more loads and sheets!
So my dilemma today is when do I disinfect the house? A stomach bug is contagious for 2-3 days after symptoms, so if I clean today he will just put his germs back everywhere tomorrow. If I don't clean today do I just marinate in these germs? Do I clean once a day for the next 3 days, plus until 3 days after the rest of us get it? I am not in denial, I am just waiting to start throwing up. We shared water yesterday. And I was thrown up on multiple times. I am planning my meals by what won't hurt coming back up right now.
Oh and Brody wanted to go to his christmas party at school so bad he got up and put a tie on this morning. He immediately proceeded to come into my room and throw up on the side of my bed. 
Anyway, here's the cute part.

  • Sick Brody isms- "I wish I was with someone else that would let me drink lots of water and then you would come back while I throw it up."
    "My throw up is spicy."
    "Why are you trying to sleep while I am trying to throw up?"
    "When is my throw up going to leave me alone?"

Friday, December 14, 2012

The best time of the year

I am loving the holidays with the kids this year. I mean, I have every year, but this year is getting really fun. Of course the stresses are there. Shopping. Wrapping. Working. Cleaning. Planning. Knowing we will be without a big family gathering on yet another holiday. It's all fine though. I am appreciating every second I have with these precious gifts I call my kids.

We went to Nashville for the annual Gigi's Conference. Only got to spend 1 day with my family, but we made the most of it.

We played games

We went to the ranch and rode horses.
We had an amazing time at the Opryland hotel. It's absolutely GORGEOUS!

Oh, and we won an award! :)
So much to be thankful for.


Thursday, December 6, 2012

This is why I had kids young

Brody has officially turned from super sweet calm loving little boy to obnoxious crazy loud non stop big BOY! Today, he wore me out. I have to work tonight. I am not looking forward to staying up all night after the day we had. I am looking forward to getting away.


I love how sweet my kids are to each other.

THE tree

Decorating the tree as a family is one of my favorite days of the year! We all pick it together, Justin and I never agree. Then we bring it home and decorate the house! This year Avery went into the bathroom and tied her shirt up. Then she looked back over her shoulder and said, "Does my back look good?" I am telling you we are in BIG TROUBLE!
Then I helped Avery get the Santa up on top.
Isn't she a beaut?

Yay! I made it!!!

Thanksgiving this year was fairly depressing. I was just missing having a big family filled Thanksgiving. I wanted to be sitting around a table drinking wine and doing a puzzle with my mom. I wanted to hear my dad playing the guitar. I have, in general, been having a very hard time missing my family recently. Anyway, I made, what I think, was an awesome meal. It was just Justin, the kids, Bill, and me. Of course, the kids are precious as always.

While the kids were waiting to break the wishbone I made them say what they were thankful for. I think they both had wonderful thoughts and maybe actually "get" the point of it!
Brody- "I am thankful for god because he keeps us alive."
Avery- "I am thankful for my friends and family and for all the holidays even the ones you don't get toys or candy, and I am thankful for nana and pot even though they can't be with us." 

 We went up to Grand Lake the day after Thanksgiving and had a WONDERFUL weekend away. I really wish we could do that more often. We need it, we deserve it, but we are working too hard to do it. 
We played at the park. 

We made s'mores.
We went out to dinner and I took my FAVORITE picture ever!
I am so thankful for my life. For my husband, who is the best partner I could ask for. For my kids, who are entertaining and infuriating equally! For the ability to do a job I LOVE.  It's been a good year, and it was nice to take a break and remember what this living business is all about!