Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The best of intentions

Well I truly do have the best of intentions, but I just seem to lose focus! I want to keep up with this. I want to keep track of my crazy, hectic, wonderful, silly, awesome, hard life. Right now I am super sick. Like I can't remember when I was sick like this last. I have had a fever, aches, chills, headache for 3 days. Then today I got the awesome surprise of adding in horrible abdominal and flank pain. Being the nurse I am of course I am diagnosing myself with everything under the sun! Went to the dr yesterday, "just a virus, it will have to run it's course." Well, today, it doesn't feel like just anything. It feels like I am in labor! Seriously. It is that bad. No other new symptoms, just the pain. I just have to bear through it. I can't even move or speak when it happens. If it stays this bad all night, or gets ANY worse, I will probably have to go in. I can't deal much longer.
As for my amazing kids......
Brody-He is so sweet. He is concerned about me, every time I turn around he says, "momma are you still sick? are you feeling any better yet?" It's probably half selfish of him because he really just wants his active momma back, but I think it's sweet. Yesterday I was laying in bed, put on a movie in the den for him, he came in and said, "when brody's are hungry sick mommie's get out of bed and get hungry brody's their food." I felt so bad. I could hardly function, I just got him goldfish and fruit snacks. :(
Avery-She is doing so wonderfully in kindergarten! I am so proud of her. She had her first field trip last week to the pumpkin patch. Brody and I went as supervisors. It was fun, and nice to see her in a new way. She was really social and had lots of different groups of friends. I was worried she wouldn't branch out, but I think she is.

Sorry, that is all I have energy for right now. I should put an alarm on my phone so I remember to do this at least once a week!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

She is all grown up!

Well, Avery started kindergarten! She did great. Has been in about a week and a half now and still loves it. I ask her everyday what she did that day, never fails she says, "I forgot." I am going to be room mom! I am so excited to plan parties and have so much fun being involved in her school experience. I am also volunteering to be school nurse 1 day a month, and I am volunteering in her class for reading and stuff 1 day a month as well. It's going to be a busy year for me, but I wouldn't have it any other way!
I am having so much fun helping her pick out her clothes for the next day and packing lunches complete with little napkin notes!
Today is Brody's last day at Knowledge Beginnings. It has been good there, it is nice that it is so close, but it is so expensive! I found a new place, Willows, that I love! He can go 3 days there for the price of 2 where he is now. Plus the new place has a pool and swimming lessons included! It has an awesome playground, and I really liked the director and teachers. He is excited to change, but we will just have to see how Monday drop off goes!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


So I was trying to figure out how to upload pictures on here. This is the random one that I clicked on! :) Bubba man peeing off the stairs at the cabin.
I still don't really know what happened. I uploaded 3 pictures and this is the only one that showed up.

Cry a River

Avery starts Kindergarten TOMORROW! I think I am in shock. I have been planning and buying, getting immunizations, school supplies, filling out forms, and meeting the teacher. And NOW it's real! I can't believe my baby is in Kindergarten! She isn't even 5 yet, and she is so big! She is ecstatic about it. Momma is too, just sad at the same time.
Friday Justin took her to orientation. Her cubby is next to Quin's so she is thrilled for that. Her table is not with Quin, she is not thrilled for that. She sits next to a girl named Aspen. Her parents are probably hippies. :)
She did her start of school evaluation today. I met her teacher, Mrs. Riscoe. She seems wonderful. Older lady, been teaching kindergarten forever. Avery was shy, and not very sure when the teacher asked me to step outside for the evaluation. I have no idea what they did. Avery says she can't remember. She said she did flash cards about letters and numbers.
Her teacher came out at the end and said she did great and is definitely ready for kindergarten. I said I was relieved that she is because I was worried about her starting young. Her teacher said she didn't even know she was young and that she will do great. Only criticism was that Avery was timid and cautious with her. I said, "well that's just Avery." I truly believe starting her now, or in a year, she will still be timid and cautious. She just needs time to warm up.
I told Avery I was sad she was growing up so fast and that I wanted her to stay my baby forever. Amazingly brilliant child that she is said, "Mom, I can't stay a baby forever. I am about to be 5. But I will always be your baby, even when I am a teenager. Even when you die, I will still be your baby." I know, a little morbid. BUT oh so sweet!
So with that. Happy first day of Kindergarten! I love my bitty girl more than I could EVER love anything. Besides my awesome son and handsome hubby! :) And I promise I will try not to cry a river tomorrow when I drop you off.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Funny to me.

Brody is so funny. To me at least. Some Brodyisms of late......

Brody-"Mom, don't sit on my foot, you are hurting my brain!"
Brody-while pointing at his penis "Mom, why don't you have one of these?" me-"because I am a girl." Brody-"Oh, so Avery doesn't have one either?" Me-"no" Brody-"Oh man!"
Brody-"Mama I am going to marry one of your babies tomorrow." while talking about the babies I took care of at work.
Brody-"I went POOPY!"
Brody-In the Target checkout, "Mama, basketball players ROCK!"
Brody-"Taylor Swift isn't as beautiful as you Mama."
Brody-"I never get to do anything" About EVERYTHING!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Hard Work!

Okay, going through facebook that far back was painful! But it was fun to look at everything, and I had already forgotten so much!

Yesterday was my and Justin's 6th anniversary. He had to work in the morning and then we took the kids to the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo! It was fun, but expensive! Avery rode her first ever horse! The kids did rides, played on the playground, we watched a concert and went to the rodeo! It reminded me of high school. So much fun!

When we were getting ready I got Brody out of the bath. He pointed to his boy stuff and said, "mom, why don't you have one of these?" I said, "Because you are a boy and I am a girl. That is what makes you a boy." He said, "So Avery doesn't have one because she is a girl?" I said no, he said, "OH MAN". I guess he was hoping for a partner in crime.

Avery asked if fish ever fart.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Facebook Status Updates 2010!

December 18, 2010 Just watched my son stand up to pee for the first time. May be one of my favorite mom moments yet! Hilarious!

November 18, 2010 I love my conversations with Avery! She says that daddys lose their hearing and then they have to find it again. She hopes her daddy finds his soon.

October 9, 2010
Every time Brody farts he laughs and says, "burp out my bottom!" that kid is hilarious!

September 11, 2010
Was just saying my prayers with Avery and we always end with, God bless all my friends, all my family and everyone in the whole world. Amen. Tonight Avery said, God bless all my friends and all my family and everyone in the whole world. Gourmet. I said no it's amen! And she giggled and said I thought it was gourmet and that's silly. :) god I love that girl!

June 25, 2010
On the way up to grand lake after I told Avery that berthoud pass was in fact not the south pole, she said to herself. "I know this is the south pole, I just KNOW it is!"

May 28, 2010
So the ice cream truck lady gave Justin and I free ice cream because she said we have the most well behaved polite kids and she loves them. What a great compliment from a lady who sees lots of kids!!!

May 18, 2010
Avery's newest saying, "Bam chicka wow wow, In the club!"

April 22,2010
the early morning conversations as a mom: so far, Brody and I have argued about whether the worm on Sid the Science Kid was a worm or a "nake!"=snake. Then Avery's frist words this morning were, "Mom, you know there is sometimes oil on the sidewalk." Me-"Why?" Avery-"Because there is oil everywhere, and I just pretend there are monsters in our house." And this is why I am crazy!

April 15, 2010
We are watching "Life" on Discovery and Avery just saw 2 seahorses mating. She said, "Mommy, is that how they LOVE?" I said yes. She said, "Then they get a baby!" Wow, this talk is earlier than I expected!

April 13, 2010
so the kids got awards at school yesterday. Brody's award is "in recognition of your willingness to try anything." And Avery's is "in recognition of taking pride in how she dresses everyday!" I would say they hit the nail on the head with those!

April 4, 2010
Avery is hilarious. Her newest "profanity" is "oh booty hot" like instead of saying oh darn it she says "oh booty hot!" I don't know where she learned that, but I can't help but laugh.

March 20, 2010
Avery and Brody were so excited to see each other at the airport they couldn't stop hugging!

March 4, 2010
Avery just asked me if I got new sunglasses. I said yes I got them for Maui. And she said, "oh, well that makes perfect sense!" she makes me smile!

February 24, 2010
tonight in the car. Avery-Mom, I am going to call today a hug day and a kiss day. Me-Why are you going to call it that? Avery-Because I love everybody and want to hug and kiss everybody.

February 9, 2010
Brody just threw his pizza off the table while throwing a fit. I corrected him and Avery said, "mom it was just an accident." I went to get the dust buster and as I was walking away Avery said to Brody, "It's okay Brody, I told mom it was an accident this time for you." However messed up it is, I think it is so cute she is already sticking up for him!

January 24, 2010
Avery just told her 3 foot tall Cinderella doll "you aren't dead, and I am not dead. Isn't that great?" Ummm....what?

January 18, 2010
Avery has her first boyfriend. Doing prayers last night she said "And God Bless Quin, cause he's handsome." Then today when I dropped her off at school her ran to the door and gave her a hug. She forgot I was even there and just went off with him to play.

Facebook status Updates! 2011

JULY 27, 2011 Last night while I was putting Avery to bed she said, "do you know why I love you and daddy sosososososo much?" me-"no,why?" Avery- "because your skin is so soft, and daddy is crazy!" :)

JULY 23, 2011 Having "freezing yogurt" with the kids. Brody says this is the best "freezing yogurt ever!" — at Nella's.

JULY 16, 2011 Avery just came out dressed like this. I said, "Avery you look awesome!" she said, "I know, I looked in the mirror." oh how I love that girl!

JULY 12, 2011 So after our 3 hour atv ride today Avery informed me that next time, "you should get a babysitter for us and go alone with daddy." couldn't agree more little one!

APRIL 28, 2011
I just made cornbread muffins with Brody for dinner. I asked him what he wanted with them. He said, "I don't need anything with my muffins, and that's the moral of my story."

APRIL 4, 2011
Today Avery wanted to call 911 because her pizza was so hot it would "burst into flames! Then there would be smoke. Smoke rises, so we would have to crawl out of our house down really low! And then the fireman would come, because it was an emergency."

APRIL 3, 2011 Last night the kids were going out in the dark, dusk, to look for wild animals. Brody told Avery, "Don't be scared, I will "tect" you. I have a flashlight!" It was so cute! By the way, the wild animals they were looking for were unicorns.

MARCH 18, 2011
We were just having family dance party and Avery leaned in and whispered to me, "mom, do you know the polka?" ahahahahahaha! I love my daughter!
MARCH 7, 2011
We are watching iron chef and they are eating soft shell crab and Avery keeps saying that she is "really freaking out"

FEBRUARY 27, 2011
Just asked Avery if she wants to take ballet, gymnastics, or swimming lessons. She responded with, "skiing lessons." I said ok, but out of the choices I gave you. She said, "monster truck driving lessons." I said out of the three options I gave you. She said, "mountain climbing." I give up.

FEBRUARY 19, 2011
So last night a ball goes flying at Justin and he says, "who threw that?" and Avery says "not me. That football was in my hands, then it was just flying through the air!"

JANUARY 30, 2011
Brody just picked up a foam letter s in the bathtub and said, "My name is s, I start with snake, I like to bite you, sssssssssssssssss!"

Sad me

I am so sad I haven't kept up with this like I wanted to. I just re read my meager posts, and I had already forgotten all of what happened! Who knows how many adorable, hilarious, hair pulling out, laughing until your side hurts moments are lost in the last 2 years! I think I may take time and go back through facebook status updates and try and salvage some!

For what's happening now......Brody just turned 3. Has his first bout of pink eye. Is seriously the sweetest, cutest thing ever. The dr says he is the cutest kid she has ever seen. He speaks in full sentences, loves the word also, is OBSESSED with superheroes, specifically Iron Man, STILL sucks his thumb, throws things when he is angry, loves legos, randomly asks to go to Chuck E Cheese, and entertains me every day!

Avery is about to be 5, about to start kindergarten, about to be grown up! We are on the verge of big things! We went back to school shopping and she got a lunchbox! I think that was the most traumatic purchase. Her best friend is Quin. They will be getting married and having 4 kids. She is soooooo sweet. I catch her randomly hugging and kissing Brody when no one is watching. She is smart and getting very good at putting her face in the water for swimming! I am so proud to be her mom!

Today is my and Justin's 6th wedding anniversary. I love him more everyday and am so thankful that we are us.

Ok, I promise more more more!!!!!!