Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Backyard Camping

Justin and I both really wanted to take the kids camping this summer. Then summer ended. This was the busiest summer of our lives and we just didn't make time for it. Lesson learned.
Yesterday was a gorgeous day and Justin had a huge box of old Gigi's orders we needed to shred. He came up with the idea to have a fire and burn them instead, so we decided to have a campfire night in the back yard!
We spent 3 hours listening to music, being together, and appreciating our family, our home, our life, and the blessings of having so many orders to burn! We only got through half the box so another campfire is in our near future!
It's good to be a boy!
And just had to add my asparagus loving sweetie!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Avery's future career

Avery told me the other day she isn't sure she wants to be a nurse anymore.
So she asked me, "is there a job where you tell the stores what clothes they should sell?"
"Yes, that is called a buyer"
"Is there a person who can tell people what to wear?"
"Yes, that is called a stylist."
"Ok, I want to be one of those. Can you google around and find an online game where I can design clothes?"

Oh my little fashionista!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Just can't keep up!

Life has been insane lately! The kids and I just spent 10 days in Nashville with my parents. Justin came for the last 4 days and we went to Dollywood! It was soooooo much fun! Ok, so let me catch up on the last 4 months!

In March my mom came to visit. She taught Avery how to crochet. We spent a couple days in Grand Lake. It was a nice getaway!

In April we went to Disneyworld. OMG what a blast! We woke the kids up at 4am to go to our flight and surprised them! Disneyworld is seriously the happiest place on earth! We are already trying to plan our next trip! Just have to start saving!

May brought the purchase of the Denver store, FINALLY! Justin's birthday, mother's day, the end of the school year, and tons of Gigi's weddings!
May 24, 2013- Things you never knew you would say as a parent, "dude. You can't just be naked all over the place!"

June was crazy as well! I took Bitty Girl to her first concert! Taylor Swift! My parents came to visit! Yay both of them! My dad hadn't been here in a year! Of course we pretty much worked the entire time! We did get a pool day in with the kids and they LOVE swimming with Nana and Pot. We made it to a Rockie's game. And headed back up to Grand Lake. We saw a BEAR!!!! 

July was our trip to Nashville. We did the Discovery Science Museum, pool, played games and baseball, had a birthday party for Brody, went to Dollywood, and celebrated 20 years of writing for David and Tony. 
Brody turned 5! We went to the Renaissance festival on his birthday. None of us had ever been. It was definitely a throw back to my childhood and Scarborough Faire!

I have been doing crossfit! I am so sore and feeling so great! It is only 2 times a week, which is very doable, so I think I will be sticking with this for a while! I hope at least!  

Friday, March 1, 2013

Playing Catch Up

Avery and Brodyisms of late...

February 28, 2013- Bahahahaha OMG I can't stop laughing!!!! We are watching American idol and Avery just said, "he's sexy!" Justin said, "what did you just say?" And Avery said, "I said, he sings sexy!"

February 28, 2013-  Don't know what they're playing but just heard Avery say, "do you recognize me? I've changed. I dyed my hair, and got tanner, and a new cute outfit!" Oh boy!

February 12, 2013- 
Avery, "why do we have to go to the wine store?" Me, "because mommy and daddy are out of wine." Avery, "and you love your wine!"
February 11, 2013-  Told Brody I was still not feeling well today. His response, "be sure to drink plenty of fluids!"

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Really am lucky

I really am so lucky.

My life in a nutshell lately.

I went down to part time this week! Yay me! I am also working days in February and March.

We put an offer in on the Denver store. It was accepted! Now we are waiting for our loan to come through. We started it in November. I am getting annoyed.

My kids are awesome. We have been having so much fun lately. We have been arts and crafting. We have been doing projects. We have been homeworking.

Last night we had a movie night. I moved the coffee table and put down a pallet. The kids an I laid down there and watched Eight Below, or Eight Degrees, or something like that. It had Paul Walker. He's cute. It had husky dogs. They are cute. It was so nice to snuggle up and relax together.

Their minds amaze me. They have the funniest conversations. They are so entertaining. Avery is so sweet she almost makes me cry half the time. We went to the Dollar store last night to get stuff to decorate her valentines box for school. On the way there we had a very detailed conversation about car accidents and air bags. She now calls them "air balloons" and is "very sad you have been in a car wreck before, and I am glad you didn't hit your face on the glass."

 Through the movie there were some sad scenes. They understand things so well. Even the dogs dying. They accept life. Good and bad. Happy and sad. I feel like that is our doing. I feel like Justin and I are really good parents. I think we are giving them what they need. Support, space, knowledge, innocence, truth, sheltering, experiences. I KNOW we give them love. All our love, all the time. Man these kids are loved. And they know it. That makes me happy.

Sunday, January 13, 2013


I am going to totally overload you on our vacay photos. We had so much fun! Whale watching, paddle boarding, eating and drinking way too much! It was a blast!
Our Beauty
J and me on the sunset dinner cruise
The fam
Stand up paddle boarding

Cutest boy ever
Avery crashing boogie boarding!
Brody Mack in the tide pool
Bitty girl in the tide pool
All of us
It is seriously Heaven. Didn't want to come back! The kids were great, they are at such a fun age for vacations! Can't wait for secret Disneyworld vacation in April!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Sicky sick sick sick

Yep. ALL of us. Sick. Brody was the night of the 20, Avery 25, Justin 26, Kristin 27. Here's my question.....Why do you always get sick over night? Why can't you throw up all day and sleep all night? All of us....all night...I was up for all of them. Ugh. We need Maui!